1. How Long Will the Seller Deliver the Ordered Goods?

The sellers’ delivery time: We usually arrange shipment within 48 hours after you place your order.

2. Can my order be canceled or returned for a refund?

3. If you place the wrong order or fill in the wrong information in an unshipped state, please send an email to contact customer service in a timely manner, and we will help you cancel the order. The payment will be refunded to your payment method.

For other refund issues, please refer to the Return Policy

4.How to check logistics information after the package was sent out?

After the parcel is shipped, you can log into your account, enter the user center, click “Parcel”, and view “Tracking Details” on the parcel you wanna track.

You can also track parcel logistics information through 17TRACK or the official logistics route website.

17TRACK: https://www.17track.net/zh-cn

Reminder: International logistics involves multiple transits, logistics information update will have a certain lag, and there will be updating delayed (International small package is a typical example).

5.What do I do if there is something wrong after I received?

6. Whether the parcel has clearly broken or damaged mark, receivers should check the parcel in front of the postman and sign with remarks or reject to accept.

7. If the parcel is not signed in front of the postman and the parcel has damaged or broken, please keep the original package (and sealed). Invoice, actual photo and other related evidences would need to be provided to us within 2 working days after it is delivered, we will negotiate with the local post office for compensation.

8. please describe your problem in detail, and upload package photos, real commodity photos etc.. Once gloshoes.com received your application, we will reply you as soon as possible with solutions (including but not limited to refund the cost, returns, etc.).

Please refer to RETURN POLICY for details

9.What are the customs risks?

10.Risk Related

For products purchased on gloshoes.com, the system will issue a risk alert for your products when submitting an order and verifying it. Our company will recommend a low-risk logistics route for you based on the product attributes and transportation experience.

Reminder: For some commodities, there will be certain customs risks inevitably (such as a small chance of parcel returns, fines, taxes, etc.), and the risks will be borne by recipients, please kindly understand.

11.Declaration Related

For the products purchased on gloshoes.com, please refer to Reference of Tariff Threshold and transportation experience, and make a reasonable declaration (users can choose Personalized Declare or System Declare when submitting the parcel).

Reminder: The probability of parcels being taxed depends on the frequency of customs inspection and will be affected by the customs policy. For details, please refer to “Reference of Tariff Threshold”. You will be responsible for customs-related risks (such as parcel returns, fines and taxes, etc.), please kindly understand.

In addition, if your product is heavy or the value of the product is high, it will increase the probability of random inspection by the customs. It is recommended that you try to avoid the situation that the parcel is too heavy or the quantity of similar products is too large.

12.what is international parcel return?

If your parcel has been sent abroad, but it is returned because of the ” unqualified international security “, “no sign” , “address unknown”, “out for deliver” and other reasons , you are responsible for redelivery fee.

13.What is domestic parcel return?

If your parcel is returned because of the not qualified domestic security, we will contact you to confirm, and we will send it again for free.